Nashville, TENN. – Electric cooperatives across Tennessee continue to assess damage to their power grids following a significant icing event on Monday, Feb. 15. More than 20,000 co-op consumers remain without power Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 16. Crews from Tennessee co-ops and neighboring states are assisting in the recovery.

“The dangerously cold weather makes this a serious situation, and co-ops are doing everything they can to get power restored to everyone as quickly as possible,” says David Callis, executive vice president of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “Damage from ice is widespread, and that will make restoration a slow process. Homeowners should be prepared for extended outages and take appropriate precautions. We commend the co-op crews who are battling these brutal conditions to serve their communities.”

Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation in Carthage reports that more than 13,000 of their 51,000 consumers remain without power. The co-op is being assisted by

  • Eight lineworkers from Appalachian Electric Cooperative in New Market
  • Four lineworkers from Fort Loudoun Electric Cooperative in Vonore
  • Four lineworkers from Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation in Lafayette
  • Five lineworkers from Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation in Young Harris, Ga.

Duck River Electric Membership Corporation in Shelbyville reports that 6,900 of their 77,000 consumers remain without power. The co-op is being assisted by

  • Ten lineworkers from Middle Tennessee Electric in Murfreesboro
  • Ten lineworkers from Holston Electric Cooperative in Rogersville
  • Six lineworkers from Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative in South Pittsburg
  • Six lineworkers from Covington Electric Cooperative in Andalusia, Al.
  • Seven lineworkers from Marshall Dekalb Electric Cooperative in Boaz, Al.
  • Four lineworkers from Wiregrass Electric Cooperative in Hartford, Al.

Photo by Mike Partin, Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Gov. Bill Lee tonight during his State of the State address announced plans for a $200 million investment to expand broadband access in Tennessee. 

“A significant, one-time investment, combined with significant private investment, will get broadband to just about every community in Tennessee,” said Lee. “To help us achieve our goal of every Tennessean having access to high-speed broadband, my budget recommends an investment of $200 million.” 

We commend Gov. Lee for taking bold steps to quickly bring internet access to those who need it most,” said Mike Knotts, vice president of government affairs with the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with the state to expand broadband access in Tennessee.” 

Since the passage of the Broadband Accessibility Act just four years ago, Tennessee’s consumer-owned electric cooperatives have brought robust, fiber-based internet access to thousands of homes and businesses across the state. Co-ops are uniquely positioned to build infrastructure quickly and maximize the impact of state and federal grant funds. 

“Families and businesses don’t need broadband access six years from now, they need it today,” says Knotts. “In fact, they needed it years ago. The state’s electric co-ops understand the urgency, and we are moving quickly to respond. This historic investment announced tonight by Gov. Lee will bring broadband access to more homes in a shorter amount of time.”  

Gov. Lee also announced plans to invest $21 million in rural communities and distressed counties to support rural infrastructure, industrial site development, small business development and to revitalize small town main streets. 

The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for Tennessee’s 23 electric cooperatives and publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely circulated periodical. Visit or to learn more.  

As we venture carefully into 2021, we’re hoping to turn the corner and have a smoother, safer and more satisfying year. So far, we haven’t exactly made that turn, but things are looking up. When so much around us is uncertain, we look for a constant — something on which we can depend. One thing that hasn’t changed — even if our office lobbies are closed and we’re operating a little differently — is our commitment to you and your community.

I’m borrowing the following words from my late friend Justin LeBerge, who worked for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and left us far too early. He makes the point far better than I:

Concern for community is one of the seven core principles that guide our actions all year long.

The most powerful way electric co-ops show concern for community is through the essential services they deliver every day. The employees and leaders of your co-op have a vested interest in doing what’s best for the community because they are members of the same community.

In addition to their day-to-day efforts to keep the lights on, electric co-ops support the community through routine actions like promoting energy efficiency, helping members understand their energy use and educating the public about electrical safety.

The not-for-profit business model also helps co-ops show concern for community by keeping more money in the local economy. Rather than being returned to Wall Street investors, any profit the co-op makes is reinvested in the cooperative, used to pay down debts, saved for emergencies or returned to members over time.

These basic differences in the cooperative way of doing business are important, but they’re just the beginning of the story. Here are a few of the many ways electric co-ops show concern for community and set themselves apart from ordinary utilities:

Operation Round Up

Through Operation Round Up, members at participating co-ops can elect to have their monthly bills rounded up to the next whole dollar amount. Those extra pennies are pooled and used to support community organizations in areas served by the co-op.

Electric Cooperative Youth Tour

To prosper and sustain themselves, strong communities need strong citizens. Nowhere is this truer than in tight-knit rural communities. As community-based organizations, electric co-ops do their part to groom our next generation of leaders through the Youth Tour program. Each year, outstanding high school students represent electric co-ops from across the country and converge on Washington, D.C., for a weeklong program that teaches the values of citizenship, democracy, leadership and cooperation. (We look forward to again sending students to Washington when the pandemic is over. — David)

Energy research

Caring for the community means doing our best to be good stewards of our environment and natural resources while ensuring energy remains reliable and affordable. Through its membership in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Ass­ociation, your local electric co-op is actively involved in the development of new energy technologies and monitoring the advances of other researchers.

It might surprise you to know that America’s electric cooperatives are often leaders in the implementation of new energy technologies. For example, some of the top solar utilities in the United States are electric co-ops. The low-density rural areas served by co-ops often stand to gain the most from advances in technology and efficiency.

Tennessee’s electric co-ops work very hard to keep your lights on and minimize interruptions. However, despite our best efforts, weather, car accidents and animals can sometimes create power outages.

Many times, these are brief interruptions that are restored quickly. Other times, widespread damage may make power restoration take much longer. During these times, a backup generator can be a handy tool to have around.

Backup generators come in many sizes — from permanently installed whole-home units to smaller, portable units that can run a few lights. This equipment can provide your family with comfort and convenience during a prolonged power outage. However, if used incorrectly, they can also create a dangerous situation for yourself and others.

Perhaps most importantly, never try to power the house wiring by plugging the generator into a wall outlet. This practice puts utility workers, your neighbors and your household at risk of electrocution. If you are interested in powering your whole home, contact a licensed electrician to ensure that proper safety equipment is installed to allow this to be done safely. Some co-ops ask homeowners to contact the co-op to inspect this sort of installation.

Here are a few more tips from the American Red Cross to ensure your backup generator is used safely.

  • Plug appliances directly into the generator, or use a heavy duty, outdoor-rated extension cord that is rated (in watts or amps) at least equal to the sum of the connected appliance loads.
  • To avoid electrocution, keep the generator dry and do not use in rain or wet conditions. Operate it on a dry surface under an open canopy-like structure such as under a tarp held up on poles. Do not touch the generator with wet hands.
  • Be sure to turn the generator off and let it cool down before refueling. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite.
  • Never use a generator, grill, camp stove or other gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning device inside a home, garage, basement, crawlspace or any partially enclosed area. Keep these devices outdoors and away from doors, windows and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors.

The energy experts at your local electric co-op will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Space heating and cooling account for a large portion of the average home’s energy use. In fact, the heating and cooling of your home could be responsible for more than half of your monthly electric bill.

Making small adjustments to your home’s temperature can have a significant impact on your monthly electric bill, and it all begins at your thermostat.

Set your thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter while you are home and awake, and set it even lower while you are sleeping or away. Lowering your thermostat 10-15 degrees for eight hours can reduce your heating bill by 10 percent or more.

You may have heard that lowering your thermostat while you are away will make it work harder once you return, and that is a reasonable argument. However, studies have found that you will use less energy by turning your system down when you are away and returning it to the original temperature when home versus leaving it at the original temperature the entire time. Don’t waste energy heating your furniture.

If all of these changes sound stressful, consider investing in a programmable or smart thermostat. Such a device can be programmed to run specific schedules or adjust the temperature when it senses you are away from home.

The location of your thermostat can also impact its performance and your energy bill. Be sure your thermostat is away from air vents, doors and windows, and it is best for it not to be located in kitchens, hallways or in direct sunlight. All of these factors can trick the thermostat into thinking your home is hotter or colder than it actually is.

Most of us spend very little time thinking about our thermostats, but they can have a significant impact on your comfort and your energy bill. We’re always available to help you make smarter energy choices. Contact your local co-op to learn more.

Every year, workers along the sides of roads are injured or killed when a car crashes into the crew’s site, even though it’s marked with bright cones and warning signs.

There’s an easy way to reduce those incidents that harm police officers and other first responders, road construction workers and utility crews. There’s a slogan to help remind drivers. There’s even a law.

The slogan is “slow down or move over.” It’s good advice and a decent thing to do to keep people safe. It’s also a requirement in all 50 states.

Legislatures first started passing Move Over laws about 25 years ago to reduce the year-after-year statistics of harm to roadside emergency workers. In the past five years, many states, including Tennessee, have started to specifically add electric and other utility projects to their Move Over or Slow Down laws.

It’s an addition that’s welcomed by Tennessee’s electric cooperatives, because we were part of the effort to expand the law to help protect our line crews.

“Protecting line crews is a top priority for Tennessee’s co-ops, and it’s a safety measure everyone can help with,” says Trent Scott, spokesperson for the state’s electric cooperatives.

“Move Over is not only a good law, it’s also the courteous thing to do,” says Scott. “Our crews already perform dangerous work to keep the lights on every day. They deserve a work environment that’s as safe as possible.”

There are slight differences in each state’s Move Over laws, but not so much that you can’t figure out the right thing to do, even if you’re traveling from state to state. Here are the basic requirements:

  • Within 200 feet before and after a work zone, which will be marked with bright signs and marker cones, and often flashing lights, change lanes if there’s more than one lane on your side of road so that there is an empty lane between your vehicle and the roadside crew.
  • If it’s not possible or safe to change lanes, slow down. Many states specify slowing down to 20 mph below the posted speed limit if it’s 25 mph or more. Yes, that means if the posted speed limit is 25 mph, slow down to 5 mph.
  • Drivers must obey all traffic directions posted as part of the worksite.
  • Keep control of your car—yes, that’s a requirement in many Move Over laws. And yes, it is more of a general guidance than a rule for a specific speed. It means you need to pay attention and respond to weather conditions—heavy rain or a slick road might mean you’re required to slow down even more than 20 mph. And no texting, fiddling with the radio or other distractions.
  • Penalties for violating those requirements range from $100 to $2,000, or loss of your driver’s license.

A list summarizing each state’s law can be found on the AAA web site.

Electric utility crews are special cases to watch out for. A study of utility worksite accidents found that the relatively temporary nature of power line repairs could surprise motorists. A roadside construction operation might close a lane for days or weeks, giving time for people familiar with the area to anticipate the changed traffic pattern. Utility work, however, can start and finish in a few hours, possibly raising risks with drivers who might think they know the road ahead.

Another risk to watch for is when worksites are being put up or taken down. Roadside accidents can happen as crews are setting up signs and traffic cones.

My father-in-law used to tell his daughter every time they parted, “Drive all the time.” What he meant was that she should pay attention, and it’s good advice for all of us.

Don’t drive distracted. Drive according to the conditions of the road. Be courteous to roadside work crews. Watch the signs and obey them. And certainly, follow laws like Move Over or Slow Down. It’s good advice that could save a life.

Learn more at

The Arbor Day Foundation has named Middle Tennessee Electric a 2021 Tree Line USA®utility to honor its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in the utility’s service area. This marks the third consecutive year MTE has earned this recognition.

“I am proud Team MTE has once again received this honor,” said MTE President and CEO Chris Jones. “I would like to congratulate the hard work and dedication of our Vegetation Management Team. The job they do greatly enhances the reliability of our system.”

Tree Line USA is a national program recognizing public and private utilities for practices that protect and enhance America’s urban forests. A collaboration of the Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, Tree Line USA promotes the dual goals of delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community trees.

“Trees are a critical part of urban landscapes all across the United States,” said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. “They provide important benefits to residents, including clean air, clean water and a tolerable climate. Service providers like Middle Tennessee Electric demonstrate it’s possible for trees and utilities to co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.”

MTE achieved Tree Line USA by meeting these five program standards:

  • Utilities must follow industry standards for quality tree care
  • Provide annual worker training in best tree care practices
  • Sponsor a tree planting and public education program
  • Maintain a tree-based energy conservation program
  • Participate in an Arbor Day celebration.

For more information on MTE’s Vegetation Management Program, please visit

If you’d like to know more information about Tree Line USA, please visit

About Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE)
Founded in 1936, MTE is the largest electric cooperative in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) region and the second largest in the United States, serving more than 600,000 Tennesseans via 310,000+ accounts covering nearly 2,200 square miles in 11 Middle Tennessee counties, primarily Rutherford, Cannon, Williamson and Wilson. Municipalities served include Murfreesboro, Franklin, Brentwood, Smyrna, Lavergne, Lebanon and Mt. Juliet. MTE employs 510 people in 7 local offices and its Murfreesboro corporate headquarters.

For more information, please visit


For more information, please contact:
Amy Byers at 615-494-0407 or [email protected]

NASHVILLE – The 112th Tennessee General Assembly app gives Tennesseans interested in government and politics a powerful tool for connecting with lawmakers.

Tennessee legislators will return to Nashville on Jan. 12 for the first session of the 112th Tennessee General Assembly. During this year’s session lawmakers will consider legislation that can have an impact on Tennessee families and businesses. That makes it important to stay informed and, at times, reach out to your elected officials.

The Tennessee General Assembly app features a continually updated, searchable database of contact, staff and committee information as well as district maps, photos, leadership roles and social media profiles for members of the Tennessee House and Senate. It also contains information on the governor and his cabinet and the Tennessee congressional delegation.

The app was developed through a partnership between the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and Bass, Berry & Sims PLC. TECA has published an annual directory of the General Assembly for more than 50 years. “Each year, we collect and maintain information on legislators, and we believe that all Tennesseans should have easy access to this information for their lawmakers,” says David Callis, executive vice president and general manager of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “The app makes it easier than ever to connect with your elected representatives.”

The free app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices and can be found by searching for “Tennessee General Assembly” in the Apple App Store or Google PLAY Marketplace.

PVEC’s Coppock

New Tazewell, TENN. – Powell Valley Electric Cooperative Board of Directors has named Brad Coppock, senior engineer, as the cooperative’s next general manager effective March 1, 2021.

Current general manager and CEO Randell W. Meyers recently announced his upcoming retirement effective February 28, 2021.  Meyers has served the cooperative since 1964. He was named general manager in 1992 and later general manager and CEO.

Mr. Coppock is a graduate of Horace Maynard High School in Union County, Tennessee and a 2001 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with a degree in computer engineering. He has held a Professional Engineer license since 2013. Mr. Coppock has been employed with the cooperative for 19 years, serving as engineer until 2013 when he was promoted to senior engineer. While in college he was a co-op student with the cooperative for two summers.

Mr. Coppock is a resident of New Tazewell, Tennessee, where he resides with his wife and three children.

“We appreciate Randell’s 57 years of dedicated service to the co-op, with the last 28 doing an outstanding job as our general manager,” said Board President Roger Ball on behalf of the PVEC Board. “We look forward to working with Brad. He is well qualified for the position and we know he will do a great job.”

“We congratulate Mr. Meyers on his retirement,” said David Callis, executive vice president and general manager for TECA. “Thousands of businesses and families in the Powell Valley region depend on the critical services that the co-op provides, and we look forward to working with Brad and the team at PVEC.”


Tradition and pride create effective outage restoration teams

By Paul Wesslund

When a big storm knocks out power for you and your neighbors, there’s a good chance help is already on the way from electric cooperatives near and far.

That lightning-fast response comes from a combination of a centuries-old co-op tradition, the latest in weather-forecasting technology, an ingenious contract between electric cooperatives and municipal utilities, and lineworkers’ spirit of dedication, pride and adventure.

When a power outage is caused by an especially severe natural disaster, the devastation can be more than your local electric co-op can quickly repair on its own. That’s when other co-ops swoop in, from next door and sometimes, from other states.

Perhaps you’ve seen them. They arrive in caravans of utility vehicles with military-like precision as part of a plan called a “Mutual Aid Agreement.”

The origins of the Mutual Aid Agreement can be traced back to 1844, even before there were electric utilities, when the first formally organized cooperative created a set of operating principles that included “Cooperation Among Cooperatives.”

When electric co-ops were formed in the 1930s, they used that handshake-style working arrangement to help each other with repairs after severe storm damage. But in the early 1990s, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requested a more legalistic accounting for the aid it provided electric cooperatives after natural disasters.

So electric co-ops, represented by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), got together with FEMA and the organization for city-owned utilities, the American Public Power Association, and produced a stunningly short contract—it’s exactly one page long. The contract says when one co-op goes to help another, it will charge reasonable rates for the crews and equipment.

The simplicity of that arrangement fits the tradition of co-ops cooperating with each other, says Martha Duggan, senior director for regulatory affairs with NRECA.

“It is a natural extension of who we are,” she says. “Helping each other is something we do naturally as part of our co-op family and our culture.”

A contract is one thing, but success means carrying it out effectively. To that end, Duggan says electric co-ops rely on their decades of experience. They share that experience with each other, and they meet regularly to keep procedures updated.

The response to your power outage can start days before it even happens, with co-ops tracking weather patterns that could knock down poles. They organize themselves under their own state associations, planning for how many line crews might be needed and where they will come from, and even making hotel reservations to house crews.

One recent, crucial update of the mutual aid procedure was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Duggan explains that keeping lineworkers safe from the virus can mean more time and more expense. She asks co-op members for extra patience as social distancing requirements mean changes––for example, only one lineworker per truck rather than two, and no more bunking multiple lineworkers in a hotel room.

In addition to the careful planning and procedures, there’s another secret ingredient to why co-ops come together in a crisis so effectively—the lineworkers. When they head out to a storm-ravaged area, it’s with a serious kind of excitement as they get ready to use their skills for a cause they passionately believe in—restoring electricity.

“It is a pride of workmanship,” says Duggan. “There is this sense of adventure to it, but there is also the sense of responsibility that this is what we do. We get the lights back on.”

Paul Wesslund writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the national trade association representing more than 900 local electric cooperatives. From growing suburbs to remote farming communities, electric co-ops serve as engines of economic development for 42 million Americans across 56 percent of the nation’s landscape.

Baby, it’s cold outside! When you’re feeling chilly at home, there are several budget-friendly ways you can keep comfortable without turning up the thermostat.

Here are five easy ways to stay cozy this winter.

  1. Whether you’re experiencing extremely cold winter temps or you simply “run cold,” an electric blanket can deliver quick warmth like a regular throw or blanket cannot. Electric blankets can include a variety of features, like timers and dual temperature settings (if your cuddle buddy prefers less heat). This winter, consider an electric blanket instead of turning up the heat, and your energy bill will thank you.
  2. One of the easiest ways to stay cozy at home is to keep your feet warm. Our feet play a critical role in regulating body temperature, so when your feet are warm, your body automatically feels warmer. Try a pair of comfortable wool socks or house slippers to stay toasty.
  3. On winter days when the sun is shining, take advantage and harness natural warmth from sunlight. Open all curtains, drapes and blinds in your home to let the sunshine in––you’ll be able to feel the difference.
  4. Another way to make your home cozier is to use a humidifier. Cold air doesn’t hold water vapor like warm air, so by adding humidity inside your home, you can feel a little warmer. A favorable level of humidity inside your home can also help clear sinuses, soften skin and improve sleep.
  5. Beyond adding visual appeal to your home, area rugs can also provide extra insulation and a warm surface for your feet on cold winter days. Use large area rugs in rooms where you spend the most time. You’ll enjoy the new colors and textures of the rug, and the additional warmth will help keep your home comfortable.

These are just a few ways you can stay cozy this winter without turning up the thermostat. Don’t forget the hot chocolate!

Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the national trade association representing more than 900 local electric cooperatives.


FBA Recognizes Gibson EMC’s and Gibson Connect’s Charles Phillips

TRENTON, Tenn.—  The Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) recently awarded the Dr. Charles Kao Award for Community Broadband to Charles Phillips, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation VP of Technical Services and Gibson Connect VP of Operations.  The award recognizes individuals, organizations, or companies that honor Dr. Kao’s innovation and connect communities with fiber optic technology.  In its communication, the FBA said Philips is receiving the award in recognition of his work with Gibson EMC and Gibson Connect to build a fiber network throughout the cooperative’s 12-county service area.”

“We are delighted to award Charles Phillips with this honor,” said Fiber Broadband Association President and CEO Gary Bolton. “In a time when connectivity is more important than ever, we commend Charles’ commitment to providing high-speed internet to his community through state-of-the-art fiber broadband.  Congratulations to Charles and the entire Gibson EMC cooperative.”

In his time with Gibson EMC, Phillips has worked extensively with neighboring utilities to create an interconnected regional fiber network that connects 20 distribution systems. This network of independently owned and maintained fiber systems has provided the backbone for a high-speed and low latency network for intra- and inter-utility traffic, as well as inter-utility fiber contracts.

“We are extremely proud of Charles and we appreciate his excellent leadership as Gibson EMC and Gibson Connect work to provide reliable, high-speed internet access to our consumer-members,” said Dan Rodamaker, President and CEO of Gibson EMC and Gibson Connect. “Making this essential service available creates exciting opportunities for our members and communities,” said Rodamaker, “and Charles has been instrumental in the successful implementation of this project.”

Phillips has been with Gibson EMC since 1997.  In addition to his role in the broadband buildout and telecommunications business, Phillips also manages the cooperative’s technical services division.

Gibson Connect is a wholly owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of Gibson EMC formed to provide high-speed internet access to Gibson EMC’s members.  Gibson EMC is a local, not-for-profit, member-owned and member-controlled cooperative serving almost 39,000 homes and businesses in eight west Tennessee counties (Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Haywood, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion and Madison) and four west Kentucky counties (Carlisle, Fulton, Graves and Hickman).

100% renewable electricity for homes and small businesses

No doubt about it – renewable green energy options are important to an increasing number of people around the globe.

“We want to give our members more options when it comes to purchasing renewable energy, and we’re excited to add Green Switch 100 to our offerings,” said MTE’s Distributed Energy Resources Coordinator Tim Suddoth.

According to Suddoth, Green Switch 100 gives residential members of the cooperative as well as small businesses in rate classes GSA-1 and GSA-2 the option to offset 100% of their monthly electric usage with renewable energy at a low cost.

“For an extra one cent per kilowatt hour, we will do all the leg work to ensure that your monthly energy usage is offset by renewable energy, generated right here in the Tennessee Valley,” reported Suddoth. “So, if you used say 1,350 kilowatt hours of electricity for the month, it would only cost $13.50 to ensure those 1,350 kilowatt hours would be sourced from Valley renewables.”

The mix of renewables, Suddoth says, includes 80% solar, 10% wind and 10% biogas generation, all produced by TVA in the Valley and Green-e Energy certified.

“It is easy, low-cost and local. For people who would like to support green energy in the area yet don’t want to make a long-term commitment, Green Switch 100 is a great option.”

Suddoth explained there is no contract to sign and customers can cancel at any time.

MTE is partnering with TVA and only one other utility out of 153 local power companies in the Valley – Knoxville Utilities Board. Currently, Green Switch 100 will run as a 12-month pilot program to see how it goes.

“We’re hoping the pilot is a success and that Green Switch 100 becomes a permanent part of our menu of renewable energy offerings. We’re always looking for ways to meet our members’ requests for renewable green energy, and we believe this is one of the best options offered for renewable energy,” said Suddoth.

To get signed up or learn more, Suddoth says to visit, or you can email him at [email protected].

The holiday season is special because it’s a time when families and friends gather to share meals, gifts, love and laughter. But the season also comes with the need to take extra precautions so that the holidays don’t turn tragic. 

Holiday lighting and decor help add to the festive atmosphere and brighten up cold winter nights, but they require some extra care. 

  • When you pull your holiday lights out of storage each year, be sure to check the cords and plugs for any cracks or other damage. If there are any bare or frayed wires, discard the entire cord. Damaged wires create a significant hazard for electric shock and fires. 
  • Make sure all your lights work, and connect the strands before stringing them on your tree, house or elsewhere. Don’t adjust the strings while plugged in once they are in place. Also make sure they have been tested by Underwriters Laboratories (look for a UL label). 
  • If you are using lights outdoors, make sure they are rated for outdoor use. Use a three-prong, grounded extension cord to connect them. Two-prong extension cords are for indoor use only; never use them outdoors. 
  • Do not leave lights on and plugged in when you go to sleep or leave home. 
  • LED lights are a better option because of their longevity as well as the fact they burn much cooler than other types of lights. Make sure the bulbs are not resting directly on tree branches or other surfaces. 
  • If you have a live tree, be sure to keep it watered so it doesn’t dry out and become an increased risk for fire. If you choose an artificial tree, make sure it is rated as flame-resistant. 
  • If you have pets or small children, make sure cords and easily ingestible decorations are out of their reach. 
  • Do not place cords under rugs or doors, and don’t run them through windows.  
  • Do not overload outlets or circuits.  

By adhering to these safety tips, you’ll help ensure your holiday season is as safe as it is festive. 

The holiday season is finally upon us, and Santa and his elves have been especially busy as they gear up for their biggest night of the year.  

It’s no secret that Santa is known for running an efficient workshop  how else could he make all those toys in time for Christmas Eve? Rumor has it that one way Santa ensures an efficient workspace is through energy-saving measures.  

Here are four ways Santa saves energy in his workshop. 

  1. Unlike the rest of us, Santa leaves his decorations up year-round. By using LED holiday light strands, he’s able to save on his monthly energy bills. LED holiday strands can last up to 40 seasons, which make them a great option for any festive home.  
  2. Santa requires power tools to make a year’s worth of new toys. That’s why he insists on using cordless power tools with the Energy Star rating. According to, if all power tools in the U.S. used Energy Star-rated battery chargers, 2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity could be saved — that’s equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 1.7 million tons!  
  3. Mrs. Claus loves to keep warm by the fire in the evenings, and Santa knows one of the best tricks to ensure fireplace efficiency. While a fireplace can keep a small area of your home cozy and warm, it can also pull heated air from the room through the chimney. That’s why Santa always closes the fireplace flue when a fire isn’t burning.  
  4. Santa also saves energy by using power strips. They’re ideal for workshops, craft nooks, game rooms and other spaces in your home. With one simple switch, you can conveniently control several devices and electronics that are plugged into the power strip.  

This holiday season, let’s take a page from Santa’s book and remember to save energy when possible. With these four tips, you’ll be well on your way to savings (and, hopefully, Santa’s “nice” list!).  

Nonprofits need help during this time when so many would-be volunteers are staying home instead of helping out.
If you have the volunteer spirit during the holidays and beyond, consider pitching in—safely. Here are five ideas:

Donate. Chances are, you’re spending some of your at-home time organizing closets and cleaning the basement or garage. Sort through your junk before having it hauled away to discover hidden treasures that you don’t want but that are in good shape and might be useful to others.

Most charities have bins for dropping off donations so you won’t come into contact with other people.

Organize a food drive. Set up a plastic bin on your porch and encourage your neighbors to fill it with nonperishable grocery items like soup, pasta, peanut butter and cereal. Every time it’s full, haul it to a local food bank that has a contactless system for accepting donations.

Visit a neighbor. If someone in your neighborhood is older or can’t get to the store, ask for a shopping list the next time you’re heading out for yourself. You can drop the items off on the neighbor’s porch instead of handing them off in person.

Take phone calls. You can volunteer at a crisis helpline from the safety of your home—via telephone. Many crisis centers are conducting virtual training for volunteers and routine calls to their home or mobile numbers.

Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association holds virtual annual meeting

NASHVILLE – “Building a Brighter Tennessee” was the theme of the 79th annual meeting of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association held Monday, Nov. 23. Though the event was held online, it allowed co-op leaders from across the state to receive industry and legislative updates and hear from Sen. Lamar Alexander and Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee.

“I would like to thank each one of you for all you do for the 2.5 million homes, farms and businesses in rural and suburban Tennessee,” said Alexander in a video address to Tennessee co-ops. “Because of you, the lights stay on, our homes stay warm and cool and Tennesseans have even more access to the internet. You provide Tennesseans with electricity and service that are both reliable and affordable.”

Lee commended electric co-ops for their service to rural Tennessee. “The success of rural Tennessee is a priority that I share with you, and I see electric cooperatives playing a key role in accelerating the transformation of rural communities,” said Lee. “Thank you for your continued innovation and partnership as we work together to build a brighter Tennessee.

Also addressing the membership during the virtual meeting were Phillip Fulmer, athletic director and former head football coach for the University of Tennessee, and David Wasserman, house editor for the non-partisan Cook Political Report.

Co-ops are “building a brighter Tennessee” through investments in energy, broadband, education and community that create a solid foundation for future growth, development and prosperity. Rural Tennessee is stronger, more resilient and better prepared for the future thanks to the work of electric co-ops.

Addressing the membership during the President and General Manager’s Report, Kevin Murphy, CEO of Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation and board chair of TECA, highlighted the impact that co-op investment has on the people and places they serve. “Despite the uncertainties we face, it is safe to say that Tennessee’s future looks bright, and the work we do will play an important role in that future.”

TECA General Manager David Callis thanked electric co-op employees for their service during this difficult year. “As so much of the country shut down, co-ops went to work,” said Callis. “To each co-op employee who stepped up and did what needed to be done this year – possibly putting the well-being of yourself and your family at risk in the process – we salute you. In a time of darkness and fear, our employees provided light, hope, comfort and connection when it was needed most.”

Prior to the virtual meeting, an online business session and election was held to appoint new members to the association’s board of trustees. Elected to four-year terms were Richard Lacher, director for Tennessee Valley Electric Cooperative; Paul Thompson, CEO of Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation; and Hugh Rogers, director for Tri-State Electric Membership Corporation.

“We congratulate those selected to serve in leadership positions,” said Callis. “Your input, feedback and guidance help the association better meet the needs of our co-ops, and we are grateful for the board’s service.”

The TECA Top Tenn Communications Awards were also announced during the event. Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative received an award for Best External Newsletter or Magazine Section; Appalachian Electric Cooperative, Best Internal Newsletter; Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative, Best Website; Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, Best Use of Social Media; and Fayetteville Public Utilities, Best Video. Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, Appalachian Electric Cooperative  and Gibson Electric Membership Corporation received Awards of Excellence in the Wild Card category.

“We are the people who build stuff,” said Callis. “We build infrastructure. We build connections. We build hope and opportunity. Electric co-ops build a brighter Tennessee.”

The virtual meeting and additional content will be available on the TECA website through the end of December. Visit to learn more.

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, where we cook for ourselves, our families and our friends. Lots of wonderful childhood memories are tied to the kitchen and the tastes and scents of favorite dishes.

But kitchens are also full of potential hazards, electrical and otherwise. Like bathrooms, there is the possibility in a kitchen for water and electricity to meet with deadly consequences. Danger from fire, sharp objects such as knives, and hazardous chemicals also require preventive measures.

Here are some tips to keep your family safe in the kitchen.

Electrical safety

  • Make sure the outlets in your kitchen are outfitted with GFCIs (ground-fault circuit interrupters), which are designed to trip a fast-acting circuit breaker if there is a short or potential for a person to become a path to the ground, resulting in electric shock.
  • Keep appliance cords away from hot surfaces, and make sure there is plenty of space around electrical outlets.
  • Unplug toasters, toaster ovens, mixers, coffeemakers and other countertop appliances when not in use.
  • If you experience even a slight shock from an appliance, immediately turn off the circuit breaker to that appliance, then unplug it and don’t use it again until it has been checked by a certified electrician.
  • Keep appliances well away from the sink. The last thing you want is for something to get wet or get knocked into a sink full of water.

Fire safety

  • Keep your oven, stovetop, toaster, coffeemakers and other appliances clean to prevent grease and other types of fires.
  • Keep combustibles — including includes napkins, paper towels, takeout containers, pizza boxes, potholders and similar items — away from your stovetop, toaster and other appliances that heat up.
  • Keep an up-to-date fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it. Never use water to try to put out an electrical fire.
  • Make sure there is enough room behind your refrigerator (and deep freezer, if you have one) for air to circulate, and vacuum the coils every three months to prevent dust buildup that can lead to overheating and possible fire.

Other safety tips

  • Keep knives and other sharp objects in blocks or drawers.
  • If you have children or pets, make sure knives are not accessible to little hands. Secure household cleaners, and keep the number for poison control posted on your refrigerator just in case it’s needed.

Adhering to these safety tips will keep your kitchen a place of happy memories throughout the holiday season.

Ah, the kitchen. It’s undeniably one of the most-loved rooms in our homes. It’s where we gather with family and friends for our favorite meals and memories. But like most of us, you probably aren’t thinking about saving energy when you’re planning that perfect dish. Here are four ways you can save energy in the kitchen with minimal effort:

When possible, cook with smaller appliances. Using smaller kitchen appliances like slow cookers, toaster ovens and convection ovens is more energy efficient than using your large stove or oven. According to the Department of Energy, a toaster or convection oven uses one-third to one-half as much energy as a full-sized oven.

Unplug appliances that draw phantom energy load. Halloween may be over, but it’s possible you have energy vampires — appliances like coffee makers, microwaves and toaster ovens that draw energy even when they’re not in use — in your kitchen. The Department of Energy has estimated that one home’s energy vampires left plugged in year-round can add up to $100-$200 in wasted energy costs. Unplug them when they’re not in use, or, better yet, use a power strip for convenient control.

Help large appliances work less. There are small ways you can help your larger kitchen appliances run more efficiently. For example, keep range-top burners clean from spills and fallen foods so they’ll reflect heat better. When it’s time to put leftovers in the refrigerator, make sure the food is covered. And allow it to cool down first so the fridge doesn’t have to work harder to cool warm food.

Use your dishwasher efficiently. Only run full loads, and avoid using the “rinse hold” function on your machine for just a few dirty dishes; it uses 3 to 7 gallons of hot water with each use. You can also save energy by letting your dishes air dry. If your dishwasher doesn’t have an automatic air-dry switch, simply turn the dishwasher off after the final rinse and prop the door open so the dishes will dry faster.

Bonus tip: The best way to save energy is to not use it. Try a tasty, no-bake dessert recipe. Your sweet tooth (and energy bill!) will thank you.

By slightly adjusting a few of your habits in the kitchen, you’ll be well on your way to energy savings. Contact us to learn about additional ways you can save energy and money at home.

Nashville, TENN. – More than 130 employees from 15 electric co-ops in Tennessee are assisting with power restoration efforts after Hurricane Zeta left more than 2.6 million without power in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas. Zeta came ashore Wednesday as a strong Category 2 hurricane before bringing heavy rains and winds across the southeast.

“Unfortunately, this was not our first hurricane this year,” said David Callis, executive vice president and general manager of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. Crews from Tennessee also assisted following Hurricanes Laura and Sally earlier this fall. “Those who volunteer know what they are signing up for – long days and difficult conditions – but they still want to go. Their desire to assist others in need is inspiring, and we ask all Tennesseans to remember them in your thoughts and prayers while they are away.”

Statewide trade associations like the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association coordinate mutual aid assistance for co-ops in their respective states. When a state determines that it needs assistance, requests are made to surrounding states. The statewide organizations in those states work with their local co-ops to organize crews and make arrangements for lodging and food. Working out details ahead of time allows crews to respond quickly when a need arises.

Traveling to Georgia are

  • eight lineworkers from Fayetteville Public Utilities assisting Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation in Jasper
  • nine lineworkers from Holston Electric Cooperative in Rogersville assisting Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation in Jasper
  • five lineworkers from Plateau Electric Cooperative in Onieda assisting Habersham Electric Membership Corporation in Clarkesville
  • 20 lineworkers from Middle Tennessee Electric in Murfreesboro assisting Cobb Electric Membership Corporation in Marietta
  • six lineworkers from Duck River Electric Membership Corporation in Shelbyville assisting North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation in Dalton
  • six lineworkers from Ft. Loudoun Electric Cooperative in Vonore assisting Tri-State Electric Membership Corporation in Blue Ridge
  • six lineworkers from Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative in South Pittsburg assisting Tri-State Electric Membership Corporation in Blue Ridge
  • 12 lineworkers from Volunteer Energy Cooperative in Dacatur assisting Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation in Jasper
  • nine lineworkers from Mountain Electric Cooperative in Mountain City assisting Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation in Young Harris

Traveling to Alabama are

  • 10 lineworkers from Chickasaw Electric Cooperative in Somerville assisting Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative in Talladega
  • five lineworkers from Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative in Centerville assisting Southern Pine Electric Cooperative in Brewton
  • 19 lineworkers from Cumberland  Electric Membership Cooperative in Clarksville assisting Pioneer Electric Cooperative in Greenville
  • five lineworkers from Pickwick Electric Cooperative assisting Southern Pine Electric Cooperative in Brewton
  • nine lineworkers from Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Cooperative in Cookeville assisting Black Warrior Electric Membership Corporation in Demopolis

Traveling to North Carolina are

  • nine lineworkers from Powell Valley Electric Cooperative in New Tazewell assisting Energy United in Statesville