BL 965 – Electric Vehicles: Strategy & Policy Consideration
Electric vehicles continue to receive increasing attention globally and within the United States through gradually increasing sales, an increase in the number of models available, and an abundance of media campaigns. EV’s are also receiving increased attention within the electric cooperative industry, as topics in strategic planning sessions, board meetings and with many cooperatives owning at least one electric vehicle. This course is designed to improve a board’s ability to make strategy and policy decisions regarding EVs and their impact on their cooperatives.
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify key strategy and policy considerations for electric cooperative boards and CEOs in relation to electric vehicles.
- Confirm the realities and dispel the myths related to electric vehicles.
- Identify the data and analysis needed from the co-op CEO and staff to make informed policy decisions.
- Complete a case analysis of rate options for EVs, the impact of additional KWH sales from EV charging stations and the impact of additional infrastructure required to serve EV charging load.
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