Each year, this event provides an opportunity for accounting professionals to learn from thought leaders and network with peers. The TECA Accounting Conference is designed to assist, educate and inform accountants, staff accountants and office managers of procedures, changes and innovations in the electric industry. The purpose of the conference is to offer insight and application of the electric industry information as it relates to accounting and management responsibilities.
Thursday, April 21
Presiding: Scott Sims, Chairman, Southwest Tennessee EMC
8:00 Registration & Breakfast
8:20 Welcome
David Callis, Executive Vice-President and General Manager, Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association
8:30 Legislative Issues
Mike Knotts, TECA (Basic, 1 hour, BMO*)
9:20 Labor Law – Employment Law Topics & Union Issues
Shawn Lillie, (Basic, 1 hour, BMO*)
10:10 Break
10:30 Industry Overview, Part 1
Bill LaDuca CoBank, (Basic, .5 hour, BMO*)
11:00 PCI Compliance – Credit Card, Chip Cards, Readers and Electronic Payment Processing
Robert Mohon, Neil Group (Basic, 1 hour, BMO*)
11:50 Lunch
1:00 Networking—Roundtable–Group Discussion
Dark Fiber, Community Solar, Capital Credits, Identity Theft, Procurement Policy
David Callis, TECA, (Basic, 1 hour, BMO*)
1:50 Break
2:00 Industry Overview, Part 2 –Legal Issues
David Callis-TECA, (Basic, .5 hours, BMO*)
2:30 Distribution Compliance –Policies, Test, Collections, Cutoffs
Justin Whobrey, TVA, (Basic 1 hour, BMO*)
3:20 RUS Report
Carl Wilson, RUS, (Basic .5 hour, BMO*)
3:50 TBA, Homeland Security – Cyber Security Issues
(Basic, 1 hour, BMO*)
Hosted by: Aamer Arshad, Ty Harrell and Bill LaDuca
Friday, April 22
Presiding: Scott Sims, Chairman, Southwest Tennessee EMC
8:30 Industry Overview, Part 3
Aamer Arshad, NRUCFC, Ty Harrell, NRUCFC(Basic, .5 hours, BMO*)
9:00 Ethics – TN Specific
Dr. Perry Moore, (Basic, 2 hours, Ethics-TN Specific)
9:50 Break
10:00 Ethics – TN Specific Continued
Dr. Perry Moore
10:50 Business Session
Conference Committee Assignments, Selection of 2017 Conference location, and Evaluations
11:00 Adjourn
315 4th Ave., Nashville, TN 37219
(615) 747-4806
Group name: TECA Accountants Conference
Deadline to receive group rate: Wednesday, March 30
Continuing Education
Program speakers and instruction are “Group-Live Delivery Method” however; some speakers may incorporate pre-recorded materials in their presentation. All topics and presentations do not require advance preparation or completion of any prerequisite courses. Conference attendees are encouraged to participate and discuss any topic-related questions during the roundtable portion of the program.
All participants are encouraged to complete the Program Evaluation Sheet and return it to TECA.
Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA) is a member of NASBA’s Tennessee State Roster program. Participants requesting CPE credits are now required to complete the Program Evaluation Sheet and return it to TECA. CPE Credits and Certificate for Ethics-TN Specific Course will issued separately, by the presenter.
What you will receive
You will receive materials for quick reference during the conference and for future use from your work site. Most speakers will provide a handout guide for reference and problem solving during the presentation. Upon completion of the conference, eligible participants will receive a personalized certificate from TECA stating the recommended amount of CPE credit and the specific field(s) of study covered by this conference. CPE Credits and Certificate for Ethics-TN Specific Course will beissued separately, by the presenter.