NASHVILLE – Today the Environmental Protection Agency released new proposed rules that target power plant emissions. The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association issued the following statement in response.

Tennessee’s electric cooperatives are closely studying the impacts the EPA’s proposal will have on everyday Tennesseans. Energy is critical to Tennessee’s growing economy, and this proposal prioritizes a far-reaching environmental agenda over real needs for affordable and reliable energy.

Tennessee was one of nine states to experience rolling blackouts last December because the demand of energy outpaced supply. America – Tennessee included – needs new power generation, not new regulatory burden that will force the early retirement of America’s power plants and make permitting new ones more difficult. We urge the EPA to take a pragmatic approach to energy needs that prioritizes cost-effective emission reduction strategies and recognizes the importance of a diverse energy portfolio.

#  #  #


Trent Scott | Vice President of Communications | 615.515.5534 | [email protected]

The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for Tennessee’s 23 electric cooperatives and 2.5 million consumers. The association also publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely circulated periodical. Visit or to learn more.


NORRIS, TN – Today the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors held a public listening session at the Norris Middle School in Norris, Tenn. Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, addressed the board during the listening session, and a readout of his comments is below.

Norris Middle School | Norris, TN | 2:00 p.m. EST


Good afternoon to each of you. My name is Mike Knotts, and I serve as the CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and represent the 25 local utilities serving nearly 3 million people who depend on their cooperative to power their community.

It is a real pleasure to be here and celebrate 90 years of TVA’s history together with you. This history is OUR history, tightly intertwined with that of the local cooperatives and cities that have connected TVA to the millions of people and business over the years.

There is no denying that the connection between TVA, local power companies, and the residents of the Tennessee Valley have made an indelible impact on the lives of generations of Americans. Our story is unique in American history. And while the issues of the day and the challenges we face may look different in 2023 than they did in 1933, we should take pride in knowing that we have literally changed history through our unchanging mission of the last 90 years. We have a great story to tell.

Taking time to reflect on this is important. Electric cooperatives innately understand and appreciate the history TVA is celebrating today because we helped shape it – both in the Valley and across the country.

When TVA was formed it was given its unique multi-faceted mission because of the specific needs of this part of the country. But, a much broader problem existed across all corners of rural America. The problem was universal rural electrification. Though cities like Memphis or Chattanooga or Knoxville had enjoyed electricity for decades, other communities and farms, like where we stand here in Norris, did not.

The solution to the national problem came in the form of the cooperative. Self-owned, private corporations that are built for the benefit of its customers. Governed by its owners. Founded on seven bedrock principles and focused on the local community. While cooperatives were not a new idea – the seven cooperative principles were first enumerated during the industrial revolution in England – cooperatives were the right idea then and continue to be the relevant idea today.

Today, TECA members serve consumers across the state of Tennessee, covering almost 75% of the state’s land mass. In addition, these same 25 utilities also serve significant portions of Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia – as well some circuits in Alabama and Mississippi.  If you are keeping count, yes, that is all seven states. Collectively, these 25 locally-owned utilities provide TVA approximately 25 percent of its revenues – well over $3B dollars per year.

You know, each of the grainy, black and white photos hanging in this room has its own story to tell and lessons to be learned. I’m particularly fond of that one (gesturing to the right), as it bears a striking resemblance to my late grandmother.

And as we all know to be true, those who do not learn from the past are most certainly doomed to repeat it. So, allow me to encourage each of you to learn from the achievements we recognize today.

But let me also encourage each of you look forward – with purpose and passion – knowing that your role on this Board is important and meaningful to millions of people. Our future won’t be told though grainy, black and white photos. Our future is being determined in real time in 4k video, and our inter-connected world allows it to be seen by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Please know that your electric cooperative customers stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and are ready to work with you to ensure that TVA’s strategic direction remains focused on what is best for the people we jointly serve. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Please call on me anytime I can be of assistance to you.



May is National Electrical Safety Month and a good time to sweep your home for electrical safety risks. Here are five that many homeowners overlook: 

  1. Unplug and store all extension cords. They are not designed for prolonged use. If yours are hiding under carpets, they could overheat or get stepped on and damaged, and that can start a fire.
  2. If you have more than one power strip plugged into an outlet, chances are good that you are overloading your circuits, especially if you live in an older house. If you don’t have enough outlets, ask a licensed electrician to add more.
  3. Kitchen countertop appliances should be plugged into three-prong, GFCI receptacles. Any electric appliance that you use near water could shock or even electrocute someone.
  4. Change the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year and test them monthly to make sure they’re operating properly.
  5. Did you know table lamps and overhead light fixtures are designed for specific light bulb wattages? Check yours and change any lightbulb whose wattage exceeds the fixture’s capacity.

Washington, D.C. – A group of electric cooperative leaders from Tennessee traveled to Washington, D.C., this week to meet with lawmakers and advocate for policies that could impact co-ops communities. The delegation was made up of board members, executives, and other leaders from electric cooperatives across Tennessee.

The primary goal of the meetings was to raise awareness among lawmakers about the unique needs and challenges faced by rural communities in Tennessee. Specifically, electric cooperative leaders discussed policies related to energy, infrastructure and broadband access, which are critical to the economic development and well-being of Tennessee’s rural and suburban communities.

“Bringing electric co-op leaders together with lawmakers in our nation’s capital is critical to ensuring the reliable, affordable and sustainable energy and infrastructure that our communities depend on,” said Keith Carnahan, President and CEO of Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative and Chairman of the TECA board of trustees. “This is an opportunity for us to advocate for policies that support the needs of rural and suburban Tennessee.”

While in D.C., co-op leaders met with Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty as well as Reps. Burchett, Desjarlais, Fleischmann, Harshbarger, Kustoff and Rose.

“We are proud to support electric cooperatives as they advocate for the needs of rural Tennessee,” said Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “These discussions are an opportunity to showcase the important work of co-ops and ensure that policymakers in Washington understand the vital roles they play in their communities.”

NASHVILLE – In February, Gov. Lee and his administration proposed a $50 million budget allocation to assist with growing, recruiting and attracting nuclear companies to Tennessee.

Tennessee’s electric cooperatives support the Nuclear Energy Supply Chain Investment Fund as proposed in the administration’s budget. For nearly a century, electric cooperatives have distributed affordable energy with high reliability to rural and suburban areas of Tennessee. The Lee Administration’s plan will only help cooperatives continue that important mission, and TECA commends their work to prioritize innovation in the area of reliable, affordable and safe energy production.

“Tennessee’s electric cooperatives share Gov. Lee’s vision that Tennessee should lead the nation in nuclear energy production and related industries,” said Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “Since 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority has been a global leader in energy innovation, and we believe that standard of excellence will continue. This proposed investment of $50 million will help transform Tennessee’s nuclear sector.”

Electric cooperatives encourage the General Assembly to support this provision within Gov. Lee’s proposed budget.

NASHVILLE – Today Tennessee becomes the first state in the nation to formally adopt a standing Lineworker Appreciation Day. The second Monday of April of each year has been codified into state law as a day to show appreciation for the state’s 3,500 electric lineworkers.

Dozens of lineworkers from across the state were at the State Capitol today to be honored by members of the Tennessee General Assembly. They were welcomed by Sen. Paul Bailey and Rep. Clark Boyd, sponsors of the legislation creating the day of appreciation, along with Secretary of State Tre Hargett in a special ceremony in the Old Supreme Court Chambers. Later they were recognized from the floor of the House of Representatives.

“You should be honored and appreciated for what you do on a daily basis,” said Sen. Paul Bailey.

“Today we’re being recognized at the State Capitol for what we do, and I consider that to be a great honor,” said Greg Allison, a lineworker for Middle Tennessee Electric. “I love this career, I love the management that I have had in this industry, and I am very appreciative for what it has given me and my family.”

Electric lineworker is consistently ranked among the most dangerous jobs in America. “Safe and reliable energy is a critical part of Tennessee’s economy,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, “and lineworkers are the guardians of that infrastructure. Their tireless efforts, often in the face of extreme weather conditions and challenging environments, keep the lights on and our homes, businesses, and communities powered. We owe a debt of gratitude to these brave men and women who work so hard to ensure our safety and well-being.”

Mike Knotts
CEO, Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association

If you ask elementary school-aged children to write about their heroes, you might get quite an amusing grouping of subjects — cartoon superheroes, fictional characters, sports stars and other larger-than-life characters. A heartwarming hand-drawn picture of a student’s mom or dad might even make its way onto the page.

Give that same assignment to a young adult, and the subjects will likely become much more real-life. Soldiers. Firefighters. Police. Doctors and nurses. People dedicated to serving others and willing to accept some degree of risk.

This dedication can cost them. Sacrifices like time away from loved ones, physical discomfort, injuries and sometimes even risk of death are everyday life for these special people. And while these heroes rarely ever seek recognition, we hold parades and ceremonies for them on special days.

We do these things because the gratitude is earned. As I have grown older, though, I have recognized that there are heroes among us who don’t receive that kind of appreciation. And most who fit this category don’t seek appreciation for their heroics. And to me, that makes the recognition all the more deserved.

I am thinking of people like Rick Courtner and Cody Bryant. These amazing employees of Mountain Electric Cooperative, along with several of their colleagues, had no idea that their normal day at work in February 2020 would find them at the dramatic scene of a motorist trapped in ferocious floodwaters. Local EMS had no way to make a swift water rescue. All that prevented tragedy that day were the selfless actions of people who cared. But as the news report documenting the event concluded, these heroes “see their actions as so unremarkable, they don’t remember what happened afterward … they just packed up the truck.”

Read the story here. “Unremarkable” is the last thing I believe you will say after you see the video. “Heroic” is the word that comes to mind.

But this was nothing unusual for them. Rick and Cody and thousands of their colleagues across our state are already unsung heroes. They are electric lineworkers. An average day for a lineworker — one of the world’s most dangerous jobs — can include all of the common threads that make us show so much respect for a soldier or a firefighter or other easily recognizable hero. Keeping electricity flowing is done through hard work, long hours and dangerous conditions. And almost everything we do in modern society depends upon their efforts.

I am happy to report that the Tennessee General Assembly has recognized the important roles lineworkers play in daily life. The second Monday in April of each year — April 10 this year — is now designated as Tennessee Lineworker Appreciation Day to honor and recognize lineworkers for their estimable work in providing for the safety and well-being of this state’s citizens. I am grateful to Sen. Paul Bailey of Sparta and Rep. Clark Boyd of Lebanon for sponsoring the legislation and to each and every member of the General Assembly, which unanimously passed it.

While most of the lineworkers I know don’t seek recognition, I hope you will join me in providing it to them anyway. They deserve it.

NASHVILLE – Forty-three high school students were in Nashville this week for the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association’s annual Youth Leadership Summit. The juniors were chosen by school guidance counselors and sponsored by their local electric cooperatives.

Delegates to the annual event receive a hands-on look at state government, learn networking and leadership skills and develop a better understanding of their local electric cooperatives.

While in Nashville, the students visited the State Capitol Building where they were welcomed by Secretary of State Tre Hargett and members of the Tennessee General Assembly. Summit attendees held a mock legislative session in the Senate Chambers, debating and voting on a bill they developed. In addition to lawmakers, students heard from leaders like Miss Tennessee’s Outstanding Teen, Jane Marie Franks, and trooper Shane Moore and K-9 Officer Sumo with the Tennessee Executive Protection Detail.

The Youth Leadership Summit also included a day of leadership training at the Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center and a behind-the-scenes tour of Bridgestone Arena prior to a Nashville Predators game.

Delegates to the Youth Leadership Summit are encouraged to be leaders in their hometowns and use their talents to improve rural Tennessee.

“The Youth Leadership Summit gives the brightest students in rural and suburban Tennessee the opportunity to expand their leadership skills,” says Todd Blocker, Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association vice president of member relations and director of the Youth Leadership Summit. “These young people will be the next generation of leaders in rural Tennessee, and I commend electric co-ops for supporting this effort to prepare young people for the future.”

NASHVILLE – This week Mike Partin, president and CEO of Sequachee Valley Electric Membership Corporation in South Pittsburg, was elected secretary-treasurer of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Board of Directors.

NRECA is a trade association that represents more than 900 electric cooperatives across the nation. The association’s mission is to promote, support and protect the community and business interests of electric cooperatives.

Partin is the first NRECA board officer from Tennessee to be elected in more than 25 years. As an officer on the NRECA board, he will influence policy-making that impacts electric cooperatives as well as the direction of the industry on a national scale.

“Tennessee’s electric co-ops congratulate Mike on this extraordinary accomplishment,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “He has been a leader among the state’s electric cooperatives for many years, and we’re excited to learn that he will now be representing Tennessee on a national level. NRECA will benefit from his knowledge of our industry and his passion for rural communities.”

ONIEDA – A group of utility officials from the African nation of Zambia visited Plateau Electric Cooperative in Onieda on Wednesday to learn more about electric cooperatives.

Representatives of the Zambian Electric Cooperative Development Program visited PEC to gather vital information as part of their five-year initiative to support increased electric utility access in rural Zambia. The visit was coordinated by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s International Program.

“The Cooperatives formed by the ZECDP will contribute to the country’s goal of increasing the current 4% rural electrification rate to 51% by 2030,” says Rajeena Shakya, Business Development Specialist for NRECA International. The Zambian study tour hopes to increase awareness of the electric co-op development process and key technical assistance needed to support emerging co-ops.

“Our CEO Dave Cross led the group during their time here, showing them our facilities, discussing operations, statistics, and logistics,” said Rachel Human, communications director for Plateau Electric Cooperative. “It was important to us to show them how electric co-ops are managed and governed.”

The Zambian delegates were given an overview by Cross and PEC board president Tim Freels on the history of the cooperative, billing information, the board election process, as well as the cooperative’s service area and organizational structure. The group wrapped up their visit by taking a tour of the cooperative’s Scott County facility.

The Zambia Electric Cooperative Development Program will receive funding from multiple national and international sources, but the first step in the process was to view a successful electric co-op in action and gather information. “We wanted to demonstrate the community-based electric co-op model and how local community is not only a priority, but supported by investing which generates income for growth,” Shakya said.

“This meeting was very beneficial to our group,” said Dr. Chimuka Francescah Chisangano, Permanent Secretary and Zambian Ministry of Energy official, at the conclusion of the visit. “I believe the success that PEC has had can be duplicated in Zambia. It’s all about bringing equal access to electricity to our people.”

“We’re really pleased that we got to host you all today,” said Dave Cross, CEO of Plateau Electric Cooperative, at the conclusion of the visit. “All of us here at PEC are honored to have been chosen to work with this outstanding group.”





Tennessee’s electric cooperatives are pleased to host more than 9,000 electric co-op leaders from across the nation for NRECA’s PowerXchange event.

“It’s Time to Lead” is the theme of this year’s event, the largest annual gathering of rural and suburban energy leaders in the country.

“As we prepared for this meeting, the excitement kept building because there’s so much to say in a moment like this,” said NRECA CEO Jim Matheson during his opening remarks. “But, one thing was obvious, and it became the theme for this meeting:  It’s Time to Lead.”

“Electric co-ops have the knowledge and the tools to do more for our members than at any point in time since we turned the lights on,” he continued. “We have the trust of our members and the support to make crucial new investments in our communities.  It’s a big job – a job for leaders.  Who better to take on that responsibility than us?”

Tennessee’s electric co-ops are pleased to welcome co-op leaders to the Volunteer State. “These are vital conversations that are taking place at a time of rapid transition, and we are honored to have them taking place here in Tennessee,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “We’re glad that so many of our Tennessee co-op leaders can participate in these discussions. From policy issues to emerging technology, there is massive value for our co-op leaders and the communities they represent to engage in and learn from the information being shared this week.”

NRECA’s PowerXchange meeting runs through Wednesday, March 8 in downtown Nashville.

NASHVILLE – Electric cooperative leaders from across the state gathered in Nashville on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 28 and March 1, for the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association’s 2023 Legislative Conference. More than 150 electric co-op members and employees were in attendance to learn about pressing legislation that will impact electric co-ops and the rural and suburban communities they serve.

Paul Bailey, chairman of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee, and Kevin Vaughan, chairman of the House Commerce Committee, welcomed attendees to Nashville and discussed opportunities facing the state.

“You are the backbone of Tennessee’s success story,” said Sen. Bailey.

During meetings with legislators on Capitol Hill, co-op leaders stressed the important role co-ops play in their communities and briefed lawmakers on issues that impact rural and suburban Tennessee. ­

“Electric co-ops are important to the communities we serve” says Ryan King, vice president of government affairs for the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “In order to successfully serve our communities, it is important to tell the electric cooperative story and educate lawmakers about the impact of proposed legislation. Keeping rates low is a major priority for electric co-ops. It is critical that we monitor the impacts of legislation and regulatory actions in order to remain good stewards of the resources with which we have been entrusted.”

“Legislators consider bills that have serious consequences for co-ops and the communities they serve,” says Keith Carnahan, president of TECA’s board of trustees and CEO of Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative located in Centerville. “We must tell legislators that co-ops are not-for-profit, member-owned and –regulated private businesses that impact rural and suburban Tennessee in many ways.”

More than 100 legislative visits were made during the conference, and many legislators from across the state attended a reception honoring members of the Tennessee General Assembly.


Muscle Shoals – Today TECA CEO Mike Knotts addressed the TVA Board of Directors during a public listening session in Florence, Alabama. A readout of Mr. Knotts comments are below.

Marriott Shoals Hotel Conference Center | Florence, AL | 2:00 p.m. CST


Good afternoon. My name is Mike Knotts, and I have the pleasure of serving as the CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association.  I appear here today on behalf of the 25 local power companies who are members of TECA, and we would like to share our most sincere congratulations to each of you who have been newly appointed, as well as those of you who are continuing your service on the Board.

The President of the United States has appointed you, the United States Senate has confirmed you, and now the people of the Tennessee Valley will rely upon your judgement and discernment. Your role is important, and the decisions you make will have lasting impacts on the communities and individuals that we jointly serve.

Delivering power requires three components – generation, transmission, and distribution – and each of these three parts require unique skill sets and expertise. As you have undoubtedly already learned plenty about, the way energy is delivered in the Tennessee Valley is unique compared to the rest of the country.

TVA’s role is that of a generation and transmission entity, with 153 locally owned and controlled entities serving the role of distributing power to the end-use consumer. This allows both TVA and the local power companies to focus on core competencies. This more distributed model – rather than a vertically integrated structure that delivers all three components in a single entity –  is not what is unique, however.

It is TVA’s ownership and multifaceted purposes that make TVA unique. TVA is a federal corporation whose assets are owned by the U.S. Treasury rather than shareholders or its customers, a G&T utility, a steward of natural resources, a provider of navigation and flood control, a regulatory body with the powers of a state Public Utility Commission, and even a police force – these many different roles are what make TVA unique.

This structure has positives and negatives for sure, but is undeniable that TVA’s mission has changed the face of the Tennessee Valley and continues to offer significant advantages that result in economic health, environmental benefits, and a focus on the needs of individuals and businesses in our communities.

Among the 153 local power companies served by TVA, TECA represents 25 cooperatively owned utilities that serve consumers in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi. And collectively, our cooperatives’ member-owners fund 25 percent of TVA’s revenues.

Unlike some of our other friends and colleagues in the local power company community, and TVA itself, electric cooperatives are private corporations. We are not units of government, and our private-sector viewpoint brings unique perspective and important context to the joint challenges we face.

But because we are not for profit, we share in TVA’s mission of service and desire to make our communities a better place.

On behalf of all of TECA’s member cooperatives, we stand ready to work with you and ensure that TVA’s strategic direction remains focused on what is best for the people we jointly serve.  Thank you for your time and attention.

Before a joint session of the 113th General Assembly, Gov. Bill Lee delivered his fifth State of the State Address on Monday, Feb. 6. In what was the longest of his career as governor, Gov. Lee delivered a robust plan that is perhaps one of the most ambitious we have seen from his administration. The speech lasted 55 minutes, and was just shy of 5,000 total words. As is tradition, it was interrupted a number of times by applause, even once by an outburst.

It is evident from the governor’s presentation, his team will be focusing on a large number of subject areas this legislative session. One of which is his proposal to establish what his administration calls a “nuclear fast track fund” to recruit companies to Tennessee that will specifically establish a nuclear development and nuclear manufacturing segment within the state. “No other state in the country comes close to Tennessee’s legacy, resources, and potential to be a leader in nuclear energy, and there is no long-term national strategy that doesn’t include nuclear energy. We cannot pass up this opportunity. Tennessee can, and should be a leader in nuclear energy for America,” said Gov. Lee. The proposal is slated to cost $50 million and will presumably be housed within economic and community development. TECA will provide more detailed information about the proposal soon.

Also of note, Gov. Lee will be placing significant emphasis on transportation and infrastructure modernization, allocating $3 billion. His administration will also be targeting economic and business tax relief, workforce, family programs, children services, teacher minimum wage, public safety, and conservation. He also proposed placing an additional $250 million in the state’s rainy day fund.

The total spending package will be the largest in state history, just over $55 billion. See below for a more detailed summary of Gov. Lee’s 2023 legislative package.

Notable Highlights from Gov. Lee’s FY23-24 Agenda

Transportation and Infrastructure Modernization

  • $3 billion to the Transportation Modernization Fund to alleviate urban congestion and fund rural road projects across the state
    • $750 million allocated to each of Tennessee’s four TDOT regions
  • $300 million to expand the State Aid Program for local road projects
  • Proposing new comprehensive legislation centering on Alternative Delivery Models, Public-Private Partnerships, Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Fees

Economic Opportunity and Tax Relief

  • $288.3 million for a one-time three-month sales tax holiday on food from August 1 to October 31, 2023, providing tax relief for Tennessee families
  • Beginning a three-year transition to Single Sales Factor for franchise and excise taxes to improve TN’s ability to compete for jobs and investment
  • $64 million to simplify tax administration and conform with the federal bonus depreciation provisions of 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, allowing businesses to more quickly recover costs and further incentivize investment in Tennessee production
  • $37.8 million for Small Business Excise Tax Relief, establishing a standard deduction from excise tax for up to $50,000 of reported net income, earning taxpayers a maximum of $3,250 in direct savings for Tennessee businesses
  • $20.3 million for Small Business Franchise Tax Relief that exempts up to $500,000 of property from the franchise tax, giving small- and medium-sized businesses that own property in Tennessee up to $1,250 in tax savings on their annual franchise tax liability
  • $7.9 million for Small Business Relief from the Business Gross Receipts Tax, increasing the filing threshold for business tax from $10,000 to $100,000 to ensure that only businesses with $100,000 of gross receipts or more will be subject to the business tax. This includes funding to hold local jurisdictions harmless.
  • $7.3 million to establish a state paid family leave tax credit against franchise and excise tax for a two-year pilot period that will mirror the federal tax credit


  • $370.8 million to update outdated facilities in seven Tennessee College of Applied Technology campuses state-wide
  • $386.2 million to invest in new buildings, expansions and improvements to sixteen current TCAT campuses
  • $147.5 million to build six new TCATs to better serve more students across Tennessee

Family Initiatives

  • $18.7 million to increase the income threshold for pregnant women and caregivers to expand access to TennCare Services
  • $5.2 million to provide 12-month continuous TennCare eligibility for low-income children
  • $4.7 million to permanently extend postpartum health coverage under TennCare
  • $100 million for Crisis Pregnancy Provider Support Grants supporting crisis pregnancy centers statewide, improving access to healthcare and information for expecting mothers
  • $10.25 million for Tennessee Fosters Hope grant funding to elevate high quality care for children and families impacted by foster care and adoption, allowing providers to expand their services to foster and adoptive families
  • $27 million to expand programming for children with complex or special needs that face challenges being placed in a traditional foster or adoptive home by further developing the provider network and providing respite and long-term care
  • $15 million to fund the Summer Youth Employment Program to connect youth and young adults ages 14 to 24 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences


  • $350 million in additional funding to local education agencies through Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA), including $125 M for teacher pay raises
  • $60.8 million to extend summer learning camps and expand eligibility age from 4th grade to Kindergarten through 9th grade
  • $10 million for summer bus transportation
  • $20 million in School Safety Grants to enhance school security
  • $29.7 million for the Tennessee School Safety Initiative, expanding staffing to place at least one Homeland Security Special Agent in each of the state’s 95 counties to provide threat assessments and collaborate with local law enforcement
  • Expanding the Grow Your Own apprenticeship program to help solve teacher shortages, serving 600 new apprenticeship candidates per year
  • Five percent salary pool increase for higher education employees to ensure they attract and retain the best employee base possible

Public Safety

  • Adding 100 Highway Patrol troopers and related support staff and 25 Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Forensic Services staff
  • $30 million addition to the Tennessee Law Enforcement Hiring, Training, and Recruitment Program (year 2)
  • $50 million expansion of the Violent Crime Intervention Fund
  • $357 million for network expansion of the Tennessee Advanced Communication Network (TACN) to transition remaining state agencies into TACN, improve coverage and provide infrastructure grants for local agencies to join TACN
  • $10 million to support successful re-entry by expanding Evidence-Based Programming Grants in prisons and jails with a focus on mental health

Conservation and State Parks

  • $66.5 million for the Natchez Trace Recreation Area, establishing a sportsman’s themed park with a lodge, cabins, campgrounds and a shooting range
  • $28.3 million to create Scott’s Gulf State Park, a 9,000-acre park uniting Virgin Falls State Natural Area with surrounding nature areas into a single wilderness park
  • $30 million to revitalize the Heritage Conservation Trust to support public-private partnerships through a matching grant program
  • $15.4 million for trail infrastructure and development of the Cumberland Trail
  • $10.3 million to address critical gaps along the Wolf River Greenway, a 26-mile paved trail meandering from the Mississippi River to Germantown
  • $6.3 million to expand the Tweetsie Trail in Carter County, connecting four communities, two bike parks and a pedestrian bridge
  • $70 million to TN Clean Initiative, cleaning up state Superfund sites, Oak Ridge and all 47 known dry cleaner sites
  • $6.3 million for the Rural Brownfields Investment Act to revitalize 175 known brownfield sites, creating a new state-administered grant and technical support program for remediation and economic development of existing brownfields
  • $4.7 million grant funding to improve local water quality by optimizing wastewater treatment plants, collaborating with agricultural partners to practice best management principles and supporting cities with reduction of nutrients in stormwater

Asset Management

  • $1.7 billion to address capital improvements and maintenance, including Tennessee State Parks and TCATs
  • Ensuring more than $2.8 billion of recurring revenue is allocated to one-time expenditures, allowing the return of these resources for review and budgeting next fiscal year

It seems that if you close the door to an unused room, you can avoid paying to heat it, right?

The opposite is true. When you close off an interior room, or if you close the air vents in that room, your heating system has to work harder and can even break down as a result.

The reason: Your home’s HVAC system is designed to keep the whole house comfortable by distributing heat evenly throughout. If you close off a room or a duct, you reduce the airflow to that room and force your system to work harder to heat it up.

That can cause a pressure imbalance, which can damage your ducts or your heating system.

Here’s a better idea: Save money and energy by using caulk to seal air leaks around windows and holes in walls where cables enter the house. Add insulation to the attic. Install curtains that are thermally insulated. Replace your outdated thermostat with a programmable one that will lower the temperature at bedtime and when everyone leaves the house in the morning.

NASHVILLE – The decisions made in Nashville can have a direct impact on your family or business. That makes it important to stay informed and, at times, reach out to your elected officials. Tennesseans interested in government and politics now have a powerful tool for connecting with state lawmakers.

The Tennessee General Assembly app features a continually updated, searchable database of contact, staff and committee information as well as district maps, photos, leadership roles and social media profiles for members of the Tennessee House and Senate. It also contains information on the governor and his cabinet and the Tennessee congressional delegation.

The app was developed through a partnership between the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and Bass, Berry & Sims PLC. TECA has published an annual directory of the General Assembly for more than 50 years. “Electric co-ops are in the business of making connections,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “The Tennessee General Assembly app brings Tennesseans one click closer to their lawmakers, and we think that benefits us all.”

The free app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices and can be found by searching for “Tennessee General Assembly” in the Apple App Store or Google PLAY Marketplace.

The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association has announced that Ryan King will lead the association’s government relations and public policy efforts as vice president of government affairs.

King previously served as principal at the Vogel Group public affairs firm and as vice president of government affairs for the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He has also held positions at with the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation and the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative. King received a bachelor’s degree from Middle Tennessee State University and a master’s degree from the University of Tennessee.

“We are excited that a government relations professional of Ryan’s caliber has joined our team,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “He has extensive relationships with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and has influenced legislation of high significance in the Tennessee General Assembly. His background and experience make him an excellent fit to support Tennessee’s electric cooperatives.”

“It is an honor to lead the government affairs efforts for one of Tennessee’s most distinguished and well respected associations,” says King. “Electric cooperatives have built a reputation for integrity, service and innovation, and those same values will drive our efforts as we engage with policymakers on behalf of the people of rural and suburban Tennessee.”

Electric cooperatives serve more than 2.5 million consumers and 72 percent of Tennessee. The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for Tennessee’s 23 electric cooperatives and publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely-circulated periodical. Visit or to learn more.


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For more information:
Trent Scott, Vice President of Communications | 731-608-1519 | [email protected]


State’s electric cooperatives gather in Nashville to explore the opportunities facing co-ops

NASHVILLE – “Co-ops Connect” was the theme of the 81st annual meeting of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, held Sunday, Nov. 20, through Tuesday, Nov. 22, in Nashville. More than 350 electric cooperative leaders from across the state attended the event where they explored the impact of co-ops and challenged one another to meet the needs of their communities.

“Co-ops make connections every day,” says David Callis, executive vice president and general manager of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association. “We connect substations and meters, but those might not be the most important connections that we make. Our power grid connects communities with energy, our broadband infrastructure connects local communities with global knowledge and markets, programs like the Washington Youth Tour connect young people with limitless opportunities and visionary investments connect today with tomorrow.”

United States Senator Bill Hagerty complimented electric co-ops on the work they are doing to connect Tennessee. “The contributions you make contribute to Tennessee’s success,” said Sen. Hagerty. “What you do with broadband is making a real difference.”

During the event, attendees heard from speakers and presenters who shared insights and information to help co-ops be better prepared for the changes they face, including long-time CNBC anchor Sue Herera, Tennessee Valley Authority CEO Jeff Lyash, recently-named Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service Andy Berke and Chris Christensen, chairman of the National Rural Electric Membership Corporation board of directors.

Keith Carnahan, president and CEO of Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative in Centerville was elected to serve as chairman of the association’s board of trustees. Dan Rodamaker, president and CEO of Gibson Electric Membership Corporation in Trenton and Buddy Dicus, director for Caney Fork Electric Cooperative in McMinnville were elected to serve as vice president and secretary.

Elections were also held for three positions on the association’s board of trustees. Robert Kendrick, a director for Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation in Brownsville; Chris Jones, CEO for Middle Tennessee Electric in Murfreesboro; and Jimmy Sandlin, CEO of Holston Electric Cooperative in Rogersville were elected to four-year terms.

“We congratulate those selected to serve on the TECA board of trustees,” says Callis. “Their talents and ideas will be valuable as we work to serve Tennessee’s electric cooperatives and their consumers.”

In addition to changes to the TECA board of trustees, attendees also paused to celebrate two long-time employees of the association who retired this year. David Callis, executive vice president and general manager of the association and Robin Conover, editor of The Tennessee Magazine, were honored for their notable contributions to the association and to rural Tennessee.

The board used the event to introduce the association’s new leader, Mike Knotts. “I am honored and humbled to be standing before you right now,” said Knotts. “I hope you are as excited as I am about the future of Tennessee’s cooperatives and the future of TECA.”

TECA recognized excellence in communication efforts during the annual Top Tenn Communications Awards ceremony. Gibson Electric Membership Corporation received an award for Best External Newsletter or Magazine Section; Appalachian Electric Cooperative, Best Internal Newsletter; Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation, Best Website; Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative, Best Use of Social Media; Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, Best Video; Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, Best Photo; Gibson Electric Membership Corporation, Best Annual Report; Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative, Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation, Appalachian Electric Cooperative and Middle Tennessee Electric each received awards in the Wild Card category.

“Successful co-ops have a legacy of connecting with their members,” says Trent Scott, TECA’s vice president of communications. “We honor these winners for telling the electric cooperative story in a professional way.”

Electric cooperatives serve more than 2.8 million consumers and 72 percent of Tennessee. The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for the association’s 25 electric cooperatives and publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely circulated periodical. Visit or to learn more.

Experienced leader to guide electric co-op trade association

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, a trade association representing 25 electric cooperatives in Tennessee and Georgia, has named Mike Knotts executive vice president and general manager.

Knotts most recently served as the association’s vice president of government affairs. He will succeed David Callis who earlier this year shared his plans to retire.

“We’re excited to have someone with Mike’s experience and reputation leading our team at TECA,” says Dave Cross, CEO of Plateau Electric Cooperative and chairman of the TECA board of trustees. “He is a tested leader who has extensive knowledge of our complex and ever-evolving industry and a clear vision for the future. The board believes Mike will be a great leader to help the association and our co-ops navigate the opportunities and challenges on the horizon.”

Knotts has managed TECA advocacy efforts since 2011. During this time, he led an effort to allow electric co-ops to provide retail broadband to their consumers. Since the passage of the Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Act in 2017, electric co-ops now provide broadband to more than 100,000 homes and businesses across the state.

“Tennessee’s electric co-ops have built an incredible reputation for service, reliability and transparency,” says Knotts. “TECA provides an important service for electric co-ops, but it also advocates for the people and places co-ops serve. What happens in rural and suburban Tennessee matters to all Tennesseans, and I am excited to be a part of the important work that this team does.”

“As we welcome Mike as our incoming CEO, we also thank David for his service and leadership over the past 21 years,” says Cross. “David and the team he built have placed TECA among the most effective and respected electric cooperative advocacy organizations in the nation.”

Ken Holmes with Holmes Executive Search facilitated the search process.

Electric cooperatives serve more than 2.8 million consumers and 72 percent of Tennessee. The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for the association’s 25 electric cooperatives and publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely circulated periodical. Visit or to learn more.


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For more information:
Trent Scott, Vice President of Communications | 731-608-1519 | [email protected]

Download a high-resolution photo of Mr. Knotts.


Nashville, TENN. – More than 750 electric co-op employees participated in the sixth annual Tennessee Electric Cooperative Day of Service on Thursday, Oct. 20. Forty-six individual service projects were completed across the state with 757 employees from 17 electric co-ops volunteering more than 1,581 hours in service to their local communities. This year’s projects included painting and repairing playground equipment, picking up litter and coordinating food, clothing and toy drives.

“This is one of my favorite days of the year,” says Trent Scott, TECA’s vice president of communications and organizer of the event. “Co-ops have an impact on their communities each day, but today is special. Co-op employees live, work and raise their families in these communities, and they get excited about these projects. Giving back is natural when you care about the place you call home.”

Sponsors for the 2022 Day of Service were Bass, Berry and Sims, Central Service Association, Ervin Cable Construction, Silicon Ranch, Tennessee811, TVA and The Tennessee Magazine.

In the six-year history of the Day of Service event, 2,705 employees have volunteered more than 6,520 hours to complete 153 individual projects in co-op communities across the state.

Co-ops participating in the 2022 Day of Service and the projects they completed were:

  • Appalachian Electric Cooperative – Support for coat and food drives in Jefferson County
  • Caney Fork Electric Cooperative – Coordinated Christmas toy drive for area children
  • Chickasaw Electric Cooperative – Hot line safety demonstration at a festival, supporting food and toy drive for Fayette Cares
  • Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation – Painted playground equipment for local schools
  • Fayetteville Public Utilities – Assisted Hands of Mercy Outreach’s mobile food pantry
  • Gibson Electric Membership Corporation – Provided classroom supplies for Samburg and Hornbeak areas of Obion County
  • Holston Electric Cooperative – Restoration work at Crockett Springs Park
  • Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooeprative – Multiple litter pick up projects in Hickman and Humphreys counties, food bank projects in Hickman and Lewis counties. Additional projects in Perry and Houston counties.
  • Middle Tennessee Electric – Habitat for Humanity build in Lebanon, Scholastic Book Fairs in Woodbury and Christiana, Discovery Center’s Lantern Parade in Murfreesboro
  • Pickwick Electric Cooperative – Assisted the Jesus Cares Thrift Store
  • Plateau Electric Cooperative – Volunteer work in Scott and Morgan counties
  • Powell Valley Electric Co-op – Lunch for first responders in New Tazewell and Jonesville
  • Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative – Provided meals for veterans, assisted with renovation of a senior center’s garden, building beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace and work with local animal shelter
  • Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation – Support for Breast Cancer Awareness Day
  • Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association – Volunteering at local domestic violence shelter and The Store free community grocery
  • Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation – Beautification project in Livingston, lunch for front line workers and boxing and landscaping at a food bank
  • Volunteer Energy Cooperative – Donations to food banks in Spring City, Decatur, Georgetown, Benton, Cleveland, Crossville and White County