Entries by Trent Scott


Weekly Legislative Update

More Committees Closing This week was make-or-break when it came to bills getting passed through House and Senate Committees. The committee’s calendars were long and many bills heard this week […]

Easement bill passes Legislature

The State House and Senate have approved legislation that will ensure efficient use of cooperative infrastructure for the provision of telecommunications and broadband services. After passage of the Broadband Accessibility […]

Co-op leader addresses TVA board

Mike Partin, president of Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, addressed the TVA board during its quarterly meeting today in Chattanooga. Partin challenged TVA to work alongside local power companies to address […]

Spotting Energy Myths

Eating carrots will greatly improve your eyesight, cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis, watching too much TV will harm your vision. We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales, but did […]