Young leaders learn more about leadership and Tennessee government during co-op event
NASHVILLE – 46 high school juniors from across the state were in Nashville this week for the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association’s annual Youth Leadership Summit. Attendees spent three days networking and gaining leadership, government and cooperative knowledge and skills.
“The opportunities this trip gave me are ones I’ll never forget,” said Katie Timbs, a junior at Johnson County High School and a YLS delegate from Mountain Electric Cooperative. “I made lifetime friends and learned extremely important lessons. I am forever grateful to TECA for that.”
During their stay in Nashville, the delegates participated in leadership development activities as well as learned more about what an electric cooperative is and does for a community with expert Amy Gallimore.
Attendees visited the YMCA Outdoor Center at Camp Widjiwagan for team building and scavenger hunt exercises. While there, they also were able to be a part of electric safety demonstrations with a representative from Tennessee Job Training and Safety.
Discussions were held over how to meet and greet your state representatives, too. The delegates had the opportunity to put those skills into action at the Tennessee State Capitol with their own representatives and Secretary of State Tre Hargett. While there, students had the chance to meet Gov. Bill Lee.
“At TECA, we’re all about investing in the future,” said BJ Bernard, TECA’s vice president of member services. “With the Youth Leadership Summit, we want to make a real difference in these young people’s lives, whether that’s socially or just by teaching them how a cooperative works. We hope to be a steppingstone on their path to becoming the next generation of leaders in their communities.”
The delegates also experienced some Nashville classics like the Goo Goo Cluster Store, the Country Music Hall of Fame and attended an Andy Grammer concert at The Ryman.