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Research Shows The Tennessee Magazine Remains Effective, Trusted Source for Co-op Information

Earlier this year several electric co-ops volunteered to participate in a readership study of The Tennessee Magazine. Preliminary results are in, and the findings show high levels of readership, trust and appreciation for the publication.

MRI Simmons, a leading provider of consumer profiling, media planning and activation tools, surveyed members of eight electric co-ops in Tennessee, and more than 6,300 co-op members took the time to respond to the study. Given the high number of responses, the study provided the team with highly accurate data, including a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of just 1%.

“This new research data validates what we already knew in our hearts – that co-op members not only read, but trust what they read in The Tennessee Magazine,” Mike Knotts, TECA’s CEO, says. “With a delivered cost less than the price of a stamp, I can say with confidence that there is no better, more effective and more appreciated tool available to communicate with electric co-op members in Tennessee.”

Key Findings

The research shows the magazine is widely read and that readers invest significant time with each issue.

  • 80% of participants read three out of the last four issues.
  • 66% of participants read four out of the last four issues.
  • 51% of participants spend more than 30 minutes reading each issue.

The research reveals a preference for print among The Tennessee Magazine audience.

  • When asked how respondents prefer to receive information from their electric co-op, The Tennessee Magazine was the most commonly selected choice. Other options included email, bill inserts, social media and websites.
  • 9 out of 10 respondents prefer to continue receiving the magazine in the printed format.

The research found high levels of trust in The Tennessee Magazine at a time when trust in the media is at an all-time low.

  • 96% of participants responded that they trust what they read in the magazine and feel that The Tennessee Magazine is a name they can trust.

The research shows that The Tennessee Magazine helps electric co-ops build affinity among their members.

  • 96% of readers know that the magazine is provided by their local electric co-op.
  • 9 out of 10 readers feel that the magazine helps them better appreciate their electric co-op.

The Tennessee Magazine is a high quality publication that provides an affordable way for local electric cooperatives to communicate important information to our member-owners,” said Dan Rodamaker, president and CEO of Gibson Electric Membership Corporation and TECA board president. “The pages that surround our section include beautiful photography and interesting stories about people and places in our state.”

The Tennessee Magazine team also questioned readers about the content that appears in the magazine. “Stories about Tennessee places” ranked number one, followed by “Tennessee history”, “food/recipes” and “stories about Tennessee people”.

“We are thankful for everyone who took the time to participate in this study,” Chris Kirk, editor of The Tennessee Magazine, says. “This research and data help us better understand what our readers want to know and read, and ultimately it will help shape the content that appears in the magazine each month. We are focused on making the magazine the most effective communications tool for electric co-ops, and the findings of this research are very encouraging.”


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